Environmental Impact Assessment
The foundation of EcoTec is built upon our expertise in environmental impact assessment and natural resource evaluation. Environmental impact assessment projects have included evaluations of the physical, natural and socio-economic environments for projects within Ontario, across Canada and internationally.
As a part of all environmental assessment projects our team identifies all issues and environmental components which may influence the success of an undertaking. We establish spatial, temporal, and jurisdictional boundaries in order to evaluate the effects of the undertaking on the surrounding environment. Through background review, specialized field surveys, and agency/public communications, EcoTec describes the existing physical, natural and socio-economic conditions of the project study area. Our team then assesses the magnitude, spatial extent, duration and significance of potential effects on the existing and future environmental conditions. Project alternatives are reviewed in light of existing environmental conditions in order to establish potential impacts/condition changes which may result from these alternatives. Finally, we provide recommendations for proposed mitigation and outline any commitments for future environmental work.
In order to provide comprehensive biophysical resource evaluations, EcoTec has the technical expertise and equipment to conduct fisheries, wildlife, vegetation, forestry, and hydrologic environmental site assessments. Our staff also has a working knowledge of environmental legislation and policy and has provided expert testimony in environmental hearings.