(2003-2004) Pottageville Creek Tributary

In August 2003, York Region commenced the improvements to the Weston Road / Lloydtown-Aurora Road intersection in Pottageville, Ontario, which included a 9.8 m culvert extension and the realignment of a tributary of Pottageville Creek to accommodate the raising of the road way profile. The reach of the tributary which was realigned extends from the existing box culvert at Lloydtown-Aurora Road approximately 280 m upstream, at the intersection of Lloydtown-Aurora and Weston Roads. The total length of the realignment was 310 m.
The tributary of Pottageville Creek is a cold water stream, and supports a downstream resident population of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Approximately 30 m of channel length would be lost with the realignment; however, this will be compensated for with an increase in habitat quality. The channel realignment was designed to correct some severe bank erosion by moving the channel away from the roadway and re-grading the embankment.
EcoTec was responsible for the construction of the channel and the installation of the riparian plantings.